The Therapy Process

As a Clinical Psychologist, Carolyn draws upon evidence-based treatment and science to help you deal with difficult thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in order to improve your mental health. This may or may not involve working with diagnoses of mental illness(es), and always includes an aim of sustainable change and improved well-being.

Psychological treatment will generally consist of a period of assessment where your current challenges and circumstances are explored as well as looking into the history of these difficulties. This assessment phase varies in the amount of time required but typically would take at least 1-2 sessions. Questionnaires will often be used during this assessment phase to help understand your experiences and to provide a snapshot of your symptoms before treatment starts. You will generally be asked to repeat these questionnaires at different time points within your treatment to measure progress towards your goals and make sure treatment is working well.

Psychological therapy with Carolyn is a collaborative process. After the assessment phase Carolyn will discuss her understanding of the difficulties you are experiencing and how she sees them fitting within the context of your life. This is a collaborative process to make sure you and Carolyn are both on the same page and have a shared understanding. Carolyn will then discuss her recommendations for the type of psychological therapy that is likely to be suitable and assist you in meeting your therapy goals. The likely length of treatment and frequency of sessions will be discussed and mutually agreed upon before psychological therapy is commenced.

A trusting and collaborative relationship between you and your psychologist is vital to the success of therapy. To facilitate this Carolyn will try to create a safe place to speak about your experiences, provide feedback, ask questions, and raise concerns. Carolyn strongly believes that you are the expert in your own life and are the best judge of what is helpful for you. Carolyn will bring her professional knowledge and skills to assist you in reaching your goals.

Sessions are typically 50 minutes long and will occur at a frequency that is collaboratively decided. Psychological therapy with Carolyn is goal focused and time-limited. Carolyn’s goal is to assist you in improving your symptoms and coping skills to the extent that therapy is no longer required at some point (although therapy will continue for as long as required). If therapy with Carolyn is not assisting you with achieving your goals, improving your symptoms or quality of life then discussion about barriers, changing therapy approach or switching to a different therapist will be discussed.

Fee Information

Medicare Gap Fees

The fee for an individual psychological therapy session during business hours (9:00am - 5:00pm) is $220 - with a valid mental health care plan you will receive a Medicare rebate of $137.05 refunded to your bank account.  This leaves an out of pocket fee of $82.95 per session.

A reduced fee is available for clients experiencing financial hardship. Please discuss with Carolyn if this applies to you. This fee is $170 per session - with a valid mental health care plan you will receive a Medicare rebate of $137.05 refunded to your bank account.  This leaves an out of pocket fee of $32.95 per session. If you have reached the Medicare safety net this year you will received a higher rebate back from Medicare.

A limited number of appointments are available before or after business hours (8:00am or 5:00pm). The fee for these appointments is $240 (Medicare rebate of $137.05 with a valid mental health care plan). If you require an after hours appointment please discuss with Carolyn.

Medicare Funded Sessions - How does it work?

Prior to your initial consultation, you will need to see your GP or Psychiatrist for a referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) . An initial mental health care plan will allow for 6 psychology sessions after which you will need to return to the GP for a new referral for 4 psychology sessions. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure a valid referral is in place for each appointment if you would like to receive the Medicare rebate.

Private Patients

Sessions can be paid for privately (out of pocket). In this case a GP/psychiatrist referral is not required.

Clients with psychology cover on their private health insurance can be issued with a receipt of payment which can be used to obtain a rebate from your private health insurer.

Workcover Clients

Carolyn is registered to see clients with Workcover funding. Carolyn assesses each referral to decide if she has the right skills to assist and will let you know if she is able to offer you an appointment. There are no out of pocket costs for Workcover sessions provided you are funded for psychology and have sufficient funding to cover the number of sessions you would like to access. Late cancellation fees still apply to sessions being funded by Workcover and payment of these fees is the responsibility of the client, not the workcover insurer.

TAC, NDIS or other funding sources

Carolyn is not currently excepting clients who are funded by TAC, NDIS or other funding sources.

Late Cancellation or Non-Attendance Fees

Scheduled appointments that are cancelled within 24 hours prior to the appointment or are not attended without notice will attract a $100 fee. If an emergency has occurred to prevent you attending an appointment or notifying of a cancellation please call reception to let us know when able to do so. These fees also apply if the session is being funded by a 3rd party (for example Workcover) and are the responsibility of the client to pay if a session is missed or cancelled within 24 hours. scheduled appointments may be cancelled if a non-attendance fee is owing and no contact has been made.

Telehealth or Face to Face appointments?

Carolyn is currently consulting via Telehealth as well as Face to Face Appointments (with a COVID Safe Practice Plan in place)